We made awards for a company operating concrete factories

concrete trophies for chandler

We have recently made awards for Chandler Concrete Company. The company is family owned and has a history of over 50 years. They currently operate over 45 concrete plants in three states. We were approached to design and execute awards for their most outstanding employees of 2023 at a company event earlier this year.

An organic part of our company culture is celebrating outstanding performance and notable occasions and milestones. Our experience has shown that the items given to motivate employees and recognise their achievements should be unique and lasting. Previously, our customers ordered the usual pre-made ready-made awards, inscribed afterwards for the occasion, but once they found AB’s portfolio by browsing the internet, they liked the possibility of creating custom awards. They found out that they could have a completely bespoke award, using the company’s raw material, concrete.

awards for consrtuct company employees

Two Categories – Two Types of Prize

Employee of the Year Meeting Awards

We have created two types of awards. One is with a 3d logo located on the pedestal, which is an openwork letter C.  Two concrete elements an opal acrylic plate between two concrete elements, and the logo according to the logo red on the left side and blue on the right side of the the object.

custom design employee trophy
employee award construct company

Top Hauler Awards

The second award is smaller than the previous one. We have therefore worked with different proportions, but also with a 3d logo on the base, the two light grey concrete elements and an opal acrylic plate between the two light-coloured concrete elements.

It is a great tribute to our brand to be asked to provide a bespoke trophy design service from a far-flung country and to be entrusted with both design and construction. It was a pleasure to create together, we hope we will have the opportunity to work together again in the future!

employee award
employee award made of concrete

What occasion can I order a designer trophy for?

It could be professional or sporting competitions, corporate celebrations, a souvenir of the completion of a successful project, a gift from staff to recognize a distinguished anniversary or outstanding achievement, or a leadership gift.

brutalis concrete trophy
gliding club trophy
concrete award for design terminal 1
music award made of concrete
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concrete trophy

We dream trophies and souvenirs together with our customers. We find the solution for every idea, and our creativity provides added design value. Thanks to our experience in material associations, in addition to high-quality professional concrete, we also use a number of additional materials.

You can read more about trophies and awards here.